The Next Step..

Hi all,

  As you know, I have entered myself into the Formula Woman Competition (see previous blog post for more info, click here). It is time that I sort myself out and give myself a fighting chance at this once in a lifetime opportunity. How am I going to do that? Well I need to work on a lot of things such as my fitness, driving, marketing & PR skills. I need a good grasp on all of these topics and work on my fitness if I want to stand a chance of making it in motorsport as a driver!
  I'm going to treat this experience as back in school times when you're in year 11 gearing up for your GCSEs, if you want to stand out and get the top grades you have to put in a LOT of hours to get there. When I was in school, the majority of the top grade students would have extra tuition outside of school in order to achieve their desired results, which to me translates to "Don't be afraid to ask for help." We can do it ourselves but sometimes it's better to have help from someone with experience to help you get the best results possible in the most efficient way. They might know things that would take you years to learn by yourself. 

  Also in the back of my mind, I know in order to make this work I need to treat it as a business, I need to become an athlete that companies will want to work with. Why does it matter to have companies wanting to work with you? The Answer to that is, athletes need sponsorship to help cover the costs of training and racing. My aim is so that if I am unsuccessful in this competition, I want to be in a position where I could fund my own racing career. 

 Regardless of the outcome of this competition, I aim to be in a position to start my racing career next year! And along the way I hope to inspire other young women and girls to pursue their dreams, no matter what it is!