Goodwood FOS
I attended Goodwood Festival of Speed for the first time ever & for the full four days. All I can say is that it was amazing! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my Birthday. What an experience... safe to say I will definitely be a returning customer! I went to the Goodwood Revival back in 2013 and thoroughly enjoyed that experience too. The way everything is planned out is great, you can really get up close to so many great machines that most people would only get to see on T.V. or in photographs. Not only do you get to see all these vehicles on static display, you get to see them roaring up the hill as fast as they can go! The sounds of the engines roaring and sometimes tires squealing along with the smells create this electric feel in the air. The atmosphere there is just great! I'd recommend either event for anyone to visit at least once in their life.
Unfortunately I don't have many photographs of this event as I was mainly using my vintage Canon T50 35mm Film Camera I will share my images with you once they have been developed! But I do have one picture of me with Gordon Murray & a quick TikTok video to share with you all.

@gagagirlofficial I’m spending my birthday here 😝 ##goodwoodfos2021 ##racecar ##rallycar ##f1 ##festivalofspeed
♬ Myself - Bazzi