Driving Experience..

Hi everyone,

Hot topic for today is my driving experience... Well I've held my UK driving licence for 10 years now, all previous experiences are from growing up in a rural location. I have been fortunate enough to have been driving old cars, tractors and motorbikes around our private land since the age of 11 (if my memory is correct). I have also attended a rally day experience and a stunt driving day experience and various go-karting fun days, all of which I received very positive feedback from. But with the way my mind works it has made me believe that these people were only saying these positive things to me just simply because I'm female, as I was competing against men. I believed then and still to a certain degree now, these people were just trying to be overly nice to me because I'm a girl. My mind refuses to accept that these people might have seen a shred of possible talent/skill there. But I need to overcome this "imposter syndrome" type thing, all that matters is that I do my best. I love driving and motorsport so it's time to quiet the mind and focus on doing what I love doing!