Camp VC..
This was a last minute and spur of the moment kind of thing I pushed myself to do. I took a step out of my comfort zone and went solo to an event held in field in the South Wales Valleys!
The event: Camp VC
How did I hear about the event? Through social media such as Facebook and Instagram.
What is Camp VC? Well let me tell you from my point of view what Camp VC is all about.
Camp VC is a weekend camping event, a bit like a festival but not a standard festival. This is a weekend marketed as a motorcycle and adventure weekend targeted for women, and boy was it an adventure! This event had motorbikes, skateboarding, dirtbiking, yoga, photography, Beginner classes, creative workshops, ride outs, live panel talks & discussions and of course like any other festival live music and partying! All set in the Brecon Beacons.
Now it might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people going to an event by them selves that is relatively local to them considering I'm based in West Wales. I'm the kind of person that finds a quiet spot and observes what is happening around them, but I feel like it's time to change that. I used to be the person that didn't care and did what she wanted and spoke to anyone without a worry. Since this event I feel than I have found the confidence I once lost somewhere along the way. And I have to tell you, the people that attended this event were great. I spoke to a bunch of people and had a really good time! I would strongly recommend this event to any female. I left feeling better about myself and inspired to carry on doing what I'm passionate about and it's about time I move on!
For more information on this event visit