Assessment Day..

So the big day arrived on the 20th of September at Anglesey Circuit. The weather was good, dry and slightly cloudy. Driver sign-on started at 11am, followed by drivers briefing. We were then split into groups of 10 to take on each of the assessment tasks ahead of us. We were being assessed on: Driving, Fitness, Media & Theory. There was meant to be a karting assessment but they ran into insurance issues which lead to us not being able to use them at all. 
     I must admit that I was nervous to start the day but as we went on I got into the rhythm of things and gave all that I could. I was confident with my effort for the day. But when considering the sheer number of competitors at different levels, it was clear to see those who had a lot more track experience than myself. I have already accepted that the chances of me reaching the next round isn’t very high. Nevertheless it was a great day, and I met some wonderful people that I hope to keep in contact with. 

    I had to at least be in it to win it! So it’s back to the original plan of #GetTheGirlOnTrack and pave my own way to competing in motorsport.